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Our Best Easy Weeknight Favorites (0848716868)

Offers twenty-one easy menus that take less than an hour of preparation, and recipes for entrees, salads, soups, sandwiches, side dishes, breads, and desserts Product details Format Hardback | 240 pages Dimensions 225 x 280 x 19.05mm | 25g Publicati

Ciclicitate, Tipare Si Evolutie : Mecanismele Astro - Numerologiei Previzionale (9786069344224)

Lucrul cu ajutorul ciclurilor planetare asigura o perspectiva ampla asupra evolutiei in timp a unei persoane sau a unui eveniment. A cunoaste si a decodifica mesajul vibrational al fiecarui ciclu personal in parte, reprezinta o arma foarte puternica pentru acela care doreste sa traiasca in armonie cu ritmurile naturale ale vietii, pentru acela care stie cand trebuie sa actioneze sau cand sa astepte si sa planifice, astfel incat evolutia sa si drumul spre mai bine sa nu intampine dificultati. Legile cosmice, geometria sacra, numarul de aur si vibratiile numerice sunt concepte foarte vechi, pe care oamenii le cunosteau si le aplicau in viata de zi cu zi cu naturalete. Agitatia lumii moderne, haosul si indepartarea de fiinta noastra spirituala, au facut din ele idei abstracte, puerile sau de neconceput. Este bine sa ni le aducem aminte si sa le integram in sistemul nostru de constientizare, deoarece nimic nu poate fi mai firesc decat armonia, iar armonia nu poate fi creata decat prin respectarea legilor de baza. Exista astfel anumite legi si tipare astrale ce se adreseaza unei intregi generatii, unui intreg popor sau numai unei persoane in parte. Exista anumite evenimente care se desfasoara in mod repetat sau care se intind pe perioade mai lungi de timp, in cicluri, precum exista si vibratii ce ne inlantuie zi de zi. Cunoscand aceste vibratii, precum si semnificatia ciclului in care ne aflam, devenim practic constienti de fiecare moment pe care il traim. Ni se dezvaluie o harta ce contine traseul nostru trecut sau viitor.

Product details

  • Paperback | 202 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 11mm | 277g
  • Romanian
  • 6069344227
  • 9786069344224

Download Ciclicitate, Tipare Si Evolutie : Mecanismele Astro - Numerologiei Previzionale (9786069344224).pdf, available at for free.



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Sanzo Wada (1883-1967) was an artist, teacher, costume and kimono designer during a turbulent time in avant-garde Japanese art and cinema. Wada was ahead of his time in developing traditional and Western influenced colour combinations, helping to lay the foundations for contemporary colour research. Based on his original 6-volume work from the 1930s, this book offers 348 color combinations, as attractive and sensuous as the books own design. Product details Format Paperback | 354 pages Dimensions 100 x 160 x 20mm

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When Coche Inciarte boarded Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 on Friday 13th October 1972, he planned to sit next to his best friend Gastón Costemalle at the back of the plane. But another boy got there just ahead of him, and Coche found a seat further forward. Ninety minutes later, Gastón was gone - sucked out of the back of the plane along with several others when the plane struck a peak in the Andes. Miraculously, twenty-nine passengers - members and friends of the Old Christians rugby club - survived the initial impact. Stranded in the mountains for seventy-two days, Coche and his companions endured one of history's most extraordinary struggles for survival. Several died of their injuries and eight were killed in an avalanche that trapped the remaining boys in the broken fuselage for three days. Developing gangrene in one leg, Coche was rendered largely immobile. Unable to contribute to the more physical tasks, he made it his mission to raise the spirits of his fellow survivors th