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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2020

Our Best Easy Weeknight Favorites (0848716868)

Offers twenty-one easy menus that take less than an hour of preparation, and recipes for entrees, salads, soups, sandwiches, side dishes, breads, and desserts Product details Format Hardback | 240 pages Dimensions 225 x 280 x 19.05mm | 25g Publicati

The Art of the Racing Motorcycle (0789322137)

A lavishly illustrated and definitive look at the design evolution of the racing motorcycle. The dynamic between competition and design has always fueled the evolution of racing motorcycles and inspired astonishing feats of design and engineering. This book traces the development of the sport bike, from the earliest French motorcycles to the dominance of British machinery in the 1930s, the exotic Italian motorcycles of the 1950s and 1960s, the influence of American racing in the 1970s and 1980s, and today's Japanese superbikes. More than fifty classic motorcycles--from Harley-Davidsons to Peugeots, Velocettes, Moto Guzzis, BMWs, Kawasakis, and Ducatis--are presented chronologically illustrated with stunning studio photographs that present the machines as works of art and wonders of design in themselves, accompanied by rare and beautiful archival images that place the subjects in the contexts of classic races, rallies, and motorcycle shows, and accompanied by essays revealing the le

English G LIGHTHOUSE Band 5: 9. Schuljahr - Allgemeine Ausgabe - Workbook Audios online (3060327459)

Mit vielfältigen Wiederholungs- und Vertiefungsübungen zu den Hauptkompetenzen jeder Unit, Fast-Finisher-Angeboten sowie Revision-Aufgaben.Mit Aufgaben auf drei NiveausSelbsteinschätzungmöglichkeit am Ende jeder UnitDazu online: die Hörtexte als MP3-Dateien zum Download Perfekt geeignet zum selbstständigen Lernen, Vorbereiten von Klassenarbeiten und intensivem Training des Hörverstehens. ] Product details Format Paperback | 88 pages Dimensions 212 x 300 x 6mm |

Aromatherapy for the Soul : Healing the Spirit with Fragrance and Essential Oils (9781577315629)

Fragrances, with their intriguing ability to evoke emotions, memories, and visions, have played an important role in the world s spiritual traditions since the dawn of time. Drawn from the essential oils of plants, they serve as an earthly connection with the Divine. In her fascinating book, renowned aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood breaks new ground with an in-depth study of the use of fragrance in spirituality. Drawing on the pioneering research of eminent scientists and the insights of leading spiritual teachers, she provides exhaustive guidelines detailing how fragrance can be used in many spiritual practices, from Shinto and Buddhism to Native American rites. Extensive charts, exercises, and formulas demonstrate the use of aroma in healing, prayer, and meditation and in conjunction with vibrational and energetic healing. Covering more than 70 essential oils, this extraordinary guide helps readers call upon the divine power of fragrance to enrich their own spiritual journeys.&quo

Emt3 CD-ROM Network Com W 55 Users (9780739068656)

The award-winning theory software, Alfreds Essential's of Music Theory, is now available in a new and updated Version 3! This software features a fresh new interface and more activities to teach students everything they need to know about music theory. The Student Version includes narration and animation of music theory concepts through lessons, exercises, games, tests and ear training with recordings of a variety of acoustic instruments to motivate students while strengthening musical skills. The program includes randomized exercises, ear training and graded reviews for each unit. A complete glossary of musical terms and symbols with written definitions, pronunciations and visual/aural examples is also included. New features for the Network Version include greater options for educators to customize lessons, the audio, text and images used for lessons, the number and style of questions on the customized tests, and even the contents of the terms glossary. It also offers enhanced u

Schlemmereien vom Schwein. Landküche (3784206433)

Schweinefleisch ist immer ein Genuss. Ob kurz- oder durchgebraten, gedünstet, gegrillt, gefüllt, gerollt, geschnezelt, geräuchert, paniert, sautiert oder geschmort - Schweinfleisch lässt sich vielfältig zubereiten.115 der leckersten Schweinefleischrezepte, ein paar passende Salate, Marinaden, Soßen und Glasuren zum Einlegen und Bestreichen von Grillfleisch hat Anne Ridder, Landwirtsehefrau aus einem biologisch geführten Schweinemastbetrieb im Münsterland, in diesem Landküchenband zusammengestellt. Beinah jedes Stück des nützlichen Hausschweins lässt sich zu Wurst, Braten, Sülze, Suppe, Eintopf, Gulasch, Spießen, Schnitzeln, Kotletts oder anderen fleischigen Köstlichkeiten verwerten. Kräftig rosa-rot, mit feinen zarten Fasern marmoriert, aromatisch und saftig ist das Fleisch von sieben bis acht Monate alten, artgerecht gehaltenen und gefütterten Mastschweinen ein Festessen für jeden Feinschmecker. Eben ein wahres Stück Lebenskraft! Product details

Ciclicitate, Tipare Si Evolutie : Mecanismele Astro - Numerologiei Previzionale (9786069344224)

Lucrul cu ajutorul ciclurilor planetare asigura o perspectiva ampla asupra evolutiei in timp a unei persoane sau a unui eveniment. A cunoaste si a decodifica mesajul vibrational al fiecarui ciclu personal in parte, reprezinta o arma foarte puternica pentru acela care doreste sa traiasca in armonie cu ritmurile naturale ale vietii, pentru acela care stie cand trebuie sa actioneze sau cand sa astepte si sa planifice, astfel incat evolutia sa si drumul spre mai bine sa nu intampine dificultati. Legile cosmice, geometria sacra, numarul de aur si vibratiile numerice sunt concepte foarte vechi, pe care oamenii le cunosteau si le aplicau in viata de zi cu zi cu naturalete. Agitatia lumii moderne, haosul si indepartarea de fiinta noastra spirituala, au facut din ele idei abstracte, puerile sau de neconceput. Este bine sa ni le aducem aminte si sa le integram in sistemul nostru de constientizare, deoarece nimic nu poate fi mai firesc decat armonia, iar armonia nu poate fi creata decat prin resp

Treatment of Textile Processing Effluents (9780820601755)

This book is written with the intention of providing textile processors with a clear picture of the effluents emerging from their industry, and to have a suitable treatment system that works efficiently and economically. The first part examines the char Product details Format Hardback | 524 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 28.7mm | 866.36g Publication date

Vampire in Defiance (9781503361560)

This was it. For Tessa. For Cody. For Jared. Her family. Her Friends. Moltere's Mountain is collapsing. With Tessa, her friends and family still inside. Tessa won't go down without a fight...and she won't leave the others behind. But as she races to save everyone, time runs out. Grounded with an injured wing, Cody wants Tessa to leave while they still can. But most of their friends and family are missing. And he fears the worst... Jared had led the army into the mountain. Only to find they were looking to annihilate all vamps, not just the bad ones. He can't leave his friends vulnerable to yet another attack. But the mine is a death trap, and he could be the one that ends up dead. The pressure is on – to save friends, family, each other – only the enemy is just as determined that no one survives. Product details Format

Kneel Down (9781950023615)

My job as a SEAL has always been to go in and save the day. But even heroes fall. Even heroes make mistakes. My only saving grace was Gin Sullivan. My knock out best friend who wasn't afraid to tell me the truth even when it hurt. She'd pick me up when I was wallowing in my own stupidity. It wasn't hard for me to fall for her. Any man would. She was beautiful, smart, and everything I'd ever wanted. I had plans to tell her that, but a bullet to the gut silenced me and Gin got tired of waiting. Now I have a new mission, one that I can't fail: Do whatever it takes to make Gin mine forever. Other books in the standalone Nailed Down Series: Nailed Down - Book 1 Tied Down - Book 2 Kneel Down - Book 3 Product details Format Paperback | 302 pages

The Dream Bible : Godsfield Bibles (1841813702)

The Dream Bible is a comprehensive guide to the universal symbols and themes that appear in our dreams. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the clear directory format allows readers to locate specific dream images quickly and easily, to discover their origins and meanings, and to recognize and understand the personal messages they carry. Information on the history and traditions of dream analysis and practical guidance on interpretation techniques are also included, which enable us to connect to our inner wisdom and facilitate spiritual, emotional and intuitive growth. Product details Format Paperback | 400 pages Dimensions

Los Desastres de La Guerra (8435065162)

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828) es uno de los artistas más universales de la historia del arte español. Célebre sobre todo por sus obras pictóricas (El Quitasol, La gallina ciega...), sus grabados se cuentan entre los pocos que ocupan un lugar destacado en la historia del arte. Su influencia en la pintura y sobre todo en el cine (Buñuel, Saura, etc.) del siglo xx es más que notable. Product details Format Paperback | 184 pages Dimensions 169 x 236 x 17mm

Jeden Tag weniger ärgern! : Das Anti-Ärger-Buch. 59 konkrete Tips, Techniken, Strategien (3868824502)

Ärger schadet uns und unserem Immunsystem. Deshalb möchten wir vielleicht um unserer Gesundheit willen lernen, "professioneller" mit ihm umzugehen. In den vier Jahrzehnten ihrer Arbeit hat Vera F. Birkenbihl eine Fülle von praxiserprobten Anti-Ärger-Strategien entwickelt, von denen sie nun 59 präsentiert. Statt sich nur auf Theorie oder Praxis zu beschränken, liefert das vorliegende Buch sowohl eine ausführliche Einführung in die theoretischen Grundlagen als auch einen umfangreichen Praxisteil. Schon der Blick ins Inhaltsverzeichnis gibt einen Vorgeschmack auf die überraschende Bandbreite der vorgestellten Anregungen und Methoden. Ein herausnehmbares "Gefühlsrad" zeigt Ihnen zudem, in welcher Stimmungslage Sie sich gerade befinden. Ein Weg, spielerisch, aber nicht minder ernsthaft mit seinen Emotionen umzugehen. Das AntiÄrger-Buch ist ein konkurrenzloses Feuerwerk innovativer Ideen, aber auch ein Leitfaden auf der Entdeckungsreise zu sich selbst und für ein ausgegli

Healing Dreams (1573221678)

Most of us have had (or will have) at least one dream which stops us in our tracks. Such dreams tell us that we're not who we think we are. They reveal dimensions beyond the everyday. People the world over have described such experiences, but we in the West have only a sketchy understanding of what the author calls Healing Dreams -- dreams which, if we heed them, can guide us toward greater wholeness, and have the power to transform our lives. In this book, the author shows us how to work with the challenging, often hazy and incoherent particulars of our dream-lives, and gives us a multi-layered approach to understanding what the dream wants from us. Whether they lead us to reconsider our careers, to find a new loved one, to heal our bodies, or to rediscover our spirituality, Healing Dreams ask for nothing less than our greatest potential for authentic life. This is the first book to offer not only interpretive help, but to focus on what to make of unusually vivid, life-altering dr

Improve Your Vision Without Glasses Or Contact Lenses (9780684814384)

For the millions of Americans who suffer some type of vision problem, this complete course in vision therapy helps increase focusing power, decrease eyestrain, and prevent further deterioration of vision. Product details Format Paperback | 127 pages Dimensions 139 x 214 x 10mm | 130g Publication date 09 Jan 1997

Das Gebet des Jabez : Durchbruch zu einem gesegneten Leben (3894377658)

"Segne mich und erweitere mein Gebiet! Steh mir bei und halte Unglück und Schmerz von mir fern!" (1. Chronik 4,10) Was passiert, wenn sich Menschen wie du und ich nach einem außergewöhnlichen Leben ausstrecken? Diese Frage hat sich der Pastor Bruce Wilkinson zu Beginn seines Dienstes auch gestellt. Und er begann, täglich das Gebet des Jabez zu beten. Die unglaublichen Dinge, die er und viele andere Christen in Folge dieses einfachen Gebetes mit Gott erlebt haben, sind Thema dieses Buches. Damit möchte er Sie ermutigen, genau denselben Schritt zu wagen. Fangen Sie an zu beten - und Ihr Leben wird eine Fülle gewinnen, von der Sie bis dahin nicht einmal zu träumen wagten. Product details Format Hardback | 96 pages

All Glory, Laud and Honor : Organ Expressions for Palm Sunday Through Eastertide (9781429121590)

With three stunners for Palm (Passion) Sunday, six meditations for Holy Week, four rousers for Easter Sunday, and two gentle reflections for the post-Easter season, this exciting collection of organ music is appropriate for Christendom's holiest week. All in all, fifteen colorful and finely crafted settings for this special time of year. Product details Format Paperback | 48 pages Dimensions 18 x 297 x 3mm | 136g

The Galloping Gourmet Cookbook (0847861481)

With his hallmark joyous abandon, British-born chef Graham Kerr was a pioneer of food television, hosting the popular series The Galloping Gourmet from 1969 to 1971. Kerr presented approachable, step-by-step instructions for recipes packed with personality and flavor. A bible for generations of fans, this classic cookbook is now reissued, with new commentary from Kerr and an introduction by the Lee brothers. Kerr s knowing and fun-loving approach to home cooking was ahead of its time, and has more in common with Mario Batali s or Jamie Oliver s outlook than with his 1960s contemporaries. Like Batali, Kerr was a passionate cook who was also not afraid to have fun in the kitchen. The encyclopedic variety of recipes ranging from the basics of brewing coffee and deep excursions into egg cookery, to more sophisticated preparations of fish and poultry combined with Kerr s devotion to technique, ingredients, and presentation open up a world of lost classics for today s home cook. Featuring st